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7 Things You Need to Know about Cosmetic Procedures

June 27th, 2016 | Posted in: Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery |

What You Should Know about Cosmetic Procedures

If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure but have not had one in the past, it’s important to know what to expect and to also have a realistic outlook on what cosmetic procedures (surgical or non-surgical) can achieve.

While we advise booking a consultation and having Dr. Gabriel Chiu take you through the specifics of your procedure, beat-by-beat, here a few things worth knowing beforehand.

1. Procedure Results Might Not be Immediate

Expecting immediate results from any procedure is unrealistic. The results of most procedures will take days or even several months before they properly manifest. So once a procedure has been completed, remember to be patient and give yourself some adequate time before the results really start to show.

2. Have Questions? We Want You to Ask Them

No matter how big or small the procedure, we encourage all of our patients to ask questions – especially if it’s your first time seeking a cosmetic solution. So if you have any general questions or deeper concerns about any procedure, make sure you ask. We want your experience to be a pleasant one with an end result of helping you achieve the look you desire.

3. You Shouldn’t Feel Self-Conscious

Sometimes people can feel self-conscious and even somewhat ashamed over the idea of seeking a cosmetic procedure, but that shouldn’t be the case. As an individual, you know what you want and how you want to look; how you get there shouldn’t matter.

There’s also the simple and unavoidable fact that certain results would be impossible to achieve without the help of cosmetic procedures. For example, stubborn fat cannot be removed via exercise or diet, so liposuction and/or CoolSculpting are two available options that can actually achieve this.

4. Men Seeking Cosmetic Procedures is More Common than You Think

While statistics show that women still receive the majority of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures, more and more men are seeking cosmetic solutions, as well. So if you’re a man and have been hesitant to take the dive due to any notions of some associated stigma, there is no need to. There are plenty of men who have benefited from cosmetic procedures.

5. It’s Important to Have Realistic Expectations

Cosmetic procedures can help you address a wide range of physical imperfections or irregularities that may be bugging you, but they can’t fix everything. Any cosmetic procedure works to reflect how you feel internally – young at heart, adventurous, empowered, etc. But if you’re relying on cosmetic procedures to make you physically perfect, then you’re demanding the impossible. Remember that everyone has unique physical attributes, and you should see these as assets – not liabilities.

6. Get the Procedure for You

It’s our aim to provide every patient with the results they desire. That’s why it’s so important to us that any cosmetic procedure you have is performed because you want it. If you’re only getting a procedure because a partner, friend, or family member told you to get it, then it is not in your best interest.

7. Most Patients are Just like You

Most people who seek cosmetic procedures are just like you. They’re everyday people with jobs and family and stress who simply want to do something that will make them feel more youthful, energized, and pampered. Cosmetic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic procedures are not just for the rich and famous – this is a common but significant misconception.

Make an Appointment

When you go in for your consultation, it is very important that you make sure to talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns that you may have about the procedure. Knowing that you have an experienced doctor and that you can trust them can go a long way in making you feel comfortable about going forward with a cosmetic procedure.

Book a consultation with Dr. Chiu today so that he can talk you through everything you need to know about your cosmetic procedure of choice.

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