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Discussing Beverly Hills Silicone Breast Implants With Your Surgeon

August 30th, 2010 | Posted in: Breast Implants |

Discussing Beverly Hills Silicone Breast Implants With Your Surgeon

When it comes to silicone breast implants, Beverly Hills surgeons often recommend them because they provide a more natural look and are actually considered very safe. However,
Beverly Hills silicone breast implants, like all breast implants, come with risks you will want to discuss with your surgeon before your surgery date:

1) Breastfeeding. Some Beverly Hills silicone breast implants can interfere with breast feeding, although this often depends on how the implants are inserted. Some women breast feed very well after having Beverly Hills silicone breast implants. If you plan on having a baby, discuss this with your surgeon before your surgery.

2) Mammograms. In some cases, Beverly Hills silicone breast implants can make mammograms more challenging. If you are worried about this, talk to your surgeon.

3) Aging. Just like everything else, Beverly Hills silicone breast implants age. As the years go on, this can mean that your implants rupture or leak. Discuss this with your surgeon so that you know what to expect.

4) Sensation. Some women with Beverly Hills silicone breast implants report that breast augmentation has resulted in loss of sensation in their breasts. This can be temporary or permanent. You may want to discuss surgery options that have the lowest risk of nerve damage.

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