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Advantages of the Silicone Breast Implants Los Angeles Clinics Offer

June 22nd, 2010 | Posted in: Breast Implants |

Advantages of the Silicone Breast Implants Los Angeles Clinics Offer

While some women are nervous about getting Los Angeles silicone breast implants when they get their breast enhancement surgery, many plastic surgeons in the Beverly Hills and Los Angeles area in fact recommend Los Angeles silicone breast implants with enhancement surgery. This is because silicone implants offer several advantages:

1) They create a more natural-looking breast. Los Angeles silicone breast implants are softer and smoother than saline implants, which means they result in a more natural-feeling breast. This is especially important for women who have less breast tissue and are therefore more likely to notice the difference.

2) The offer less rippling than saline implants.

3) They have a good safety record. Following a safety scare in the 1990s, Los Angeles silicone breast implants have been very, very thoroughly tested for safety. With exhaustive investigations and trials, the FDA determined that there is link between silicone implants and autoimmune disease or connective tissue disease. The FDA has approved the use of silicone implants.

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