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Asian Eyelid Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA

About half of all Asian men and women lack the upper eyelid creases that are common among Caucasian and other ethnic groups. Having this fold in the upper eyelids, commonly known as a “double eyelid,” makes the eyes appear larger and brighter. Asian eyelid surgery can help those who lack a double eyelid by creating natural-looking upper eyelid creases that complement the facial anatomy and draw more attention to the eyes. Dr. Gabriel Chiu, located in the beauty capital of Beverly Hills, performs Asian eyelid surgery to enhance his patients’ eyes and help them achieve the facial aesthetic they desire.

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What Is Asian Eyelid Surgery?

Asian blepharoplasty, double eyelid surgery, and Asian eyelid surgery are all terms that refer to a cosmetic procedure designed to create an eyelid crease for individuals with a monolid—a condition in which there is no fold between the eyelashes and the eyebrows. This procedure is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States, East Asia, and Northeastern India.

With Asian eyelid surgery, fat deposits in the upper eyelid are removed or repositioned, and permanent sutures are used to create a crease in the upper eyelid that looks defined yet natural. In some cases, this surgery can increase a patient’s field of vision.

Dr. Chiu utilizes two main techniques for Asian eyelid surgery: an incisional approach and a permanent suture approach. At your consultation, you and Dr. Chiu will discuss which method will work best for you, depending on your anatomy and aesthetic goals.

What Are the Benefits of Asian Eyelid Surgery?

  • Enhance Your Eyes

    A lack of upper eyelid creases tends to make the eyes look small. Creating upper eyelid folds with Asian eyelid surgery enhances the eyes and causes them to appear bigger and more inviting. Patients who choose to undergo Asian eyelid surgery can also apply eye makeup more easily, which can further emphasize the eyes.

  • Embrace Your Ethnicity

    A common misconception is that Asians who undergo Asian eyelid surgery want to Westernize their appearance. In Asian upper eyelids, the creases begin close to the eyelashes, angle upward toward the middle of the eyelids, and then run parallel to the lash lines. This is unlike Caucasian eyelid creases, which are more prominent and shaped like upside-down U’s. The intention of this procedure is not to change or betray ethnic eyes. Instead, the procedure creates natural upper eyelid folds found in many Asian eyelids while retaining their cultural integrity.

  • Elevate Your Esteem

    Confidence is often closely associated with satisfaction with one’s appearance. Frustration with physical characteristics you cannot change may cause you to feel uncomfortable with who you are, and this may, as a result, lower your self-confidence. Asian eyelid surgery can improve your appearance, accentuate the natural beauty of your eyes, and improve your self-esteem and confidence.

Am I a Candidate for Asian Eyelid Surgery?

If you desire an eyelid aesthetic that includes visible, symmetrical eyelid creases and eyes that appear larger and more youthful, you may be a candidate for Asian eyelid surgery. Good candidates for Asian eyelid surgery are those in good health, who do not smoke or are willing to quit, and who have realistic expectations. You may not be a good candidate for surgery if you have chronic eye conditions like dry eye.

Find out if you’re a candidate for Asian eyelid surgery today by calling Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation at (310) 888-8087.

What Does Asian Eyelid Surgery Entail?

Asian eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure. It can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia at our accredited Beverly Hills facility. The process includes a consultation, surgery, and follow-up appointments.


Asian blepharoplasty is an individualized procedure. Dr. Chiu can perform your Asian eyelid surgery with either an incisional approach or permanent sutures. During your consultation, Dr. Chiu will consider all relevant factors, such as your needs and unique facial structure, before determining which technique is most appropriate for you and creating a surgical plan. He will tell you how to prepare for your procedure, what to expect on the day of surgery, and what a typical recovery looks like. Your consultation is the perfect opportunity to ask Dr. Chiu any questions you may have about Asian eyelid surgery and to discuss your concerns and expectations.

What Are My Asian Eyelid Surgery Options?

Incisional Approach

  • Dr. Chiu will create an incision on each upper eyelid, taking care to minimize the potential for visible scarring.
  • Through these meticulously placed surgical incisions, Dr. Chiu will remove some tissue to produce a natural-looking crease in each upper eyelid.
  • After surgery, you will have natural-looking eyelid creases that can be adjusted as desired.

Permanent Suture Approach

  • Dr. Chiu will bury sutures deep into the skin of each eyelid, pinching the underside of the eyelids to the deeper soft tissue of the eyelids.
  • These sutures will create eyelid creases with virtually no scarring.
  • This technique results in natural-looking double eyelids that may be adjusted at any time in the future, if necessary.

Asian Eyelid Surgery Recovery

  • Recovery

    Recovery from Asian eyelid surgery differs depending on the technique used for your procedure. Patients who opt for the permanent suture approach experience minimal swelling and have a short recovery of only a few days. Those who choose the incisional approach may experience a recovery period that lasts up to a few weeks. Any swelling should diminish significantly after one week, and any scarring should be all but invisible within one year of undergoing the procedure.

What Results Can I Expect From Asian Eyelid Surgery?

Swelling and bruising will take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. After these side effects have subsided, your initial results will emerge. You will see a more defined eyelid crease, and your eyes will appear larger, more expressive, and refreshed. It may take up to a year for scars to fade entirely, but they will be hidden in your new eyelid crease.

Your results should last a lifetime. It’s essential to take care of the delicate skin around your eyes with good skincare and daily sun protection, including sunglasses.

Patient Testimonials

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc., Dr. Chiu can recommend the procedures that will help you achieve the results you want, based on your individual needs.

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Why choose Dr. Chiu?

Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it is essential to choose an attentive, communicative surgeon you can trust. Dr. Chiu takes special care to fully understand what his patients expect throughout their cosmetic enhancement journey and fosters a comfortable, open-minded dialogue with them throughout the process. He is highly recommended by industry experts, colleagues, patients, and international media as being among the best plastic surgeons in the world. We encourage you to refer to Dr. Chiu’s patient testimonials for first-hand accounts of his professional approach and stunning results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Asian eyelid surgery take?

Asian eyelid surgery rarely exceeds one hour in length.

Which Asian eyelid surgery technique is right for me?

Specific factors will influence which technique will fulfill your needs, such as the thickness of your upper eyelid skin, how much fat your upper eyelids contain, how heavy or low your eyebrows are, and whether you have had previous eyelid surgery or not. Your preferences will also play a role, including how you feel about incisional surgery and how much time you can take for recovery. Dr. Chiu will discuss all of these considerations with you during your consultation.

How long do the results of Asian eyelid surgery last?

The longevity of the results of Asian eyelid surgery depends on the technique used. The incisional approach leads to permanent results, while the suture technique may be reversed if desired.

Can I combine my Asian eyelid surgery with any other procedure?

Asian eyelid surgery can be combined with other facial enhancement procedures, such as brow lift surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Chiu will evaluate not only your eyelids but your entire face along with your goals. He will recommend the appropriate procedures for your anatomy and your goals. He will recommend the appropriate procedures for your anatomy and your desired aesthetic outcome.

Are there any risks of undergoing Asian eyelid surgery?

Asian blepharoplasty is generally considered a safe procedure. However, all surgery comes with risks. For Asian eyelid surgery, risks include infection, bleeding, asymmetry, visible scarring, and poor wound healing.

Choosing a highly experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Chiu makes your procedure safer and reduces the likelihood of risks.

How much is Asian eyelid surgery?

The cost of Asian eyelid surgery varies based on several factors. These include your aesthetic goals, your starting point, and the details of your surgical plan. Dr. Chiu can provide exact pricing details about your procedure at your consultation.

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