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Beverly Hills Gynecomastia Results

November 28th, 2010 | Posted in: Male Breast Reduction |

For many men in Beverly Hills, gynecomastia is a serious problem. Gynecomastia refers to the problem of male breast enlargement and it results in a visible breast in men. This can happen for a number of reasons, including hormone imbalances, obesity, and genetic factors. Although medically not very serious, gynecomastia can have severe consequences for men. For many men in Beverly Hills, gynecomastia means teasing, self-consciousness, embarrassment, and even emotional trauma that can lead to low self-esteem or depression.

For some men in Beverly Hills, gynecomastia is so embarrassing that they attempt to hide the problem by wearing thick shirts, slouching, avoiding social activities, or avoid removing their shirts for any reason. For some men in Beverly Hills, gynecomastia also becomes a financial drain as they seek diet pills, special herbal remedies, or creams that promise to melt away the breasts. Unfortunately, these remedies are not usually effective. Men with gynecomastia need to visit a doctor. If the gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance, hormone therapy may help. Otherwise, a Beverly Hills male breast reduction surgery, a cosmetic procedure, is the only permanent and truly effective way to reduce the chest area and create a more masculine contour.

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