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Beverly Hills Gynecomastia Treatment Options

May 18th, 2010 | Posted in: Gynecomastia Treatments |

When it comes to Gynecomastia, Beverly Hills has several treatment options. Gynecomastia is a condition which leads to a larger breast size in men. It can be caused by hormonal changes, medications, and other problems. Therefore, if you have this condition, your doctor will generally begin by determining the cause. If a medication is causing the condition, you will generally be told to discontinue the medication to see if that alleviates the problem. If the condition develops during puberty, some doctors will wait to see whether it will resolve on its own.

There are other Beverly Hills Gynecomastia options available. Many patients find that if they cannot treat the underlying cause, Beverly Hills Gynecomastia surgery to reduce the breast size is one of the most effective options available. During this procedure, a surgeon makes a periareolar incision and removes tissue through the incision. In cases where there is a great deal of excess tissue, a surgeon may choose to perform suction-assisted lipectomy at the same time to improve the overall result.

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