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Breast Implants through Periareolar Incisions

Periareolar incisions are one of the many choices available when it comes to your breast augmentation. As with other incision types, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to choosing periareolar incisions. They are made along the bottom half of the areola, the pigmented area that surrounds the nipple. Through these incisions, Dr. Chiu is able to place saline or silicone breast implants, either above or below the pectoral muscles.

The main advantage of periareolar incisions is that the scars are nearly invisible. Because the incision is made along the areola, the scars usually disappear in the pigmented skin. These same incisions can later be used for revision procedures, whether you need to replace your breast implants, would like to have them removed, or want a different size.

The drawbacks of periareolar incisions include a risk of loss of nipple sensitivity, particularly in women with smaller areolas. There is also a risk of difficulty breastfeeding in the future, as the milk ducts can be affected by this type of incision.

Choosing periareolar incisions over other incision types will depend on your individual anatomy, desired outcomes for breast augmentation, and Dr. Chiu’s recommendation. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Chiu at his Beverly Hills offices, contact us today.

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