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Breast Reduction in Beverly Hills, CA

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes breast tissue. This type of breast augmentation is designed for women with large, pendulous breasts who experience medical problems caused by excessive weight and low center of gravity in their breasts, ranging from back, shoulder, and neck pain and skin irritation to skeletal deformities and breathing problems.

Disproportionately large and heavy breasts may also diminish a woman’s sense of self-esteem and independence as it makes fitting into clothing, participating in sports, and other activities more difficult. A breast reduction removes fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts, making them smaller, lighter, and firmer. It can also reduce the size of the areolas, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. The goal is to give the patient smaller, better-shaped breasts in proportion with the rest of her body.

If you are considering a breast reduction, we invite you to call our office at (310) 888-8087 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chiu in Beverly Hills. Together you can determine which techniques are right for you.


What Can a Breast Reduction Achieve?

  • Smaller Breasts

    As fat and breast tissue are removed, excess skin is also neatly trimmed away to reveal lighter, tighter breasts.

  • Resized Areolas

    Oversized areolas can be addressed by reshaping them and lifting their location on the breasts.

  • Improved Body Proportions

    Breast reduction surgery is designed to help women feel more secure in their bodies by reducing the size of enlarged, uncomfortable breasts.

What Will My Breast Reduction Procedure Entail?

Dr. Chiu will evaluate your body type and determine a recommended surgical plan to achieve your ideal outcome.


Your breast reduction may be performed in an outpatient surgical center, a surgical suite, or in a hospital setting. If you are admitted into the hospital, then your stay should be brief. The surgery itself usually takes three to four hours, but may take longer in some cases. Breast reduction is performed under general anesthesia, which means you’ll be asleep through the entire operation.


Personal preferences, cosmetic goals, and other factors will determine the specific method selected to reduce the size of your breasts. Incisions are most commonly created in the anchor-shaped technique, which circles around the areolas, extends downward on the breast, and follows along the natural curves of the breast crease (where the breast meets the chest wall). With this method, Dr. Chiu removes breast tissue, excess fat, and loose skin. The nipples and areolas are then moved to their new position, and the skin is pulled in from both sides of the breast down and around the newly formed areolas. This process allows him to reshape the new contour of the breasts. Liposuction may be used to remove additional excess fat.

In most cases, the nipples remain attached to the nerves and blood vessels. However, if the breasts are significantly large, the nipples and areolas may be removed entirely and replaced into a higher position through grafting. If this is necessary, it will result in a loss of sensation in the nipples and areolar tissue. Stitches or sutures are placed around the areola in a vertical line extending downward, along the lower crease of the breast. Some techniques can be utilized to eliminate the vertical portion of the scar.

When only the excess fat needs to be removed, liposuction may be used to reduce the breast size, which results in minimal scarring.

Sometimes, a breast reduction also includes a breast lift (mastopexy) to raise the breasts on the chest and reduce sagging. If you are explanting breast implants through removal or en bloc, then you may choose new breast implants or opt for natural breast tissue.

What Can I Expect for My Breast Reduction Recovery?

  • Immediately After

    Directly after your surgery, you’ll be wrapped in an elastic bandage or a surgical bra over gauze dressings. A small tube may be placed in each breast to drain out blood and fluids for the first day or two. You may feel some pain for the first couple of days, specifically when you move around or cough, and some discomfort for another week or more.

    Dr. Chiu will prescribe medication to lessen the pain. The bandages will be removed a day or two after surgery, though you’ll continue wearing the surgical bra around the clock for several weeks until the swelling and bruising subside. If your breast skin is very dry following surgery, you can apply a moisturizer several times a day, but be sure to keep the suture area dry.

  • 1 Week

    You should be feeling much better after one week. Most symptoms should begin to fade by this point. Dr. Chiu will give you detailed instructions for resuming your normal activities. Most women can return to work (if it’s not too strenuous) and social events in about one to two weeks.

  • 2 to 3 Weeks

    Your first menstruation following surgery may cause your breasts to swell and hurt. You may also experience random, minor pains for a few months. You can expect some loss of feeling in your nipples and breast skin, caused by the swelling after surgery. This usually fades over the next six or so weeks. In some patients, however, it may last a year or more, and sometimes it may be permanent. Although you may be up and about in a day or two, your breasts may still ache occasionally for a couple of weeks. You should avoid lifting or pushing anything heavy for three or four weeks.

  • 4 to 6 Weeks

    You can expect to have much less stamina for several weeks and should limit your exercises to stretching, bending, and swimming until your energy level returns. You’ll also need a good athletic bra for support. You may be instructed to avoid sex for a week or more since sexual arousal can cause your incisions to swell, and to avoid anything but gentle contact with your breasts for about six weeks. A small amount of fluid draining from your surgical wound, or some crusting, is normal. If you have any unusual symptoms, such as bleeding or severe pain, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Chiu or any members of the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery staff. Discomfort usually dissipates after four weeks.

What Results to Expect After Breast Reduction Surgery in Beverly Hills

Although much of the swelling and bruising will disappear in the first few weeks, it may be six months to a year before your breasts settle into their new shape. Even then, their shape may fluctuate in response to your hormonal shifts, weight changes, and pregnancy. Dr. Chiu is skilled in making scars as inconspicuous as possible. Breast reduction scars can be extensive and are permanent, and often remain lumpy and red for months, and then gradually become less obvious. Sometimes scarring eventually fades into a thin white line. Fortunately, the scars can usually be placed inconspicuously so you can wear low-cut tops without noticing them.

Out of all available plastic surgery procedures, breast reduction can result in the quickest body-image changes. You’ll be relieved of the physical discomfort of large breasts, your body will look more proportioned, and clothes will fit you better.

As much as you may have anticipated and desired these breast changes, you will require time to adjust to your new appearance, as will your family and friends. Be patient with yourself and with your loved ones, and remember why you had this surgery. Almost all patients are pleased with their results.

Why Choose Dr. Chiu?

Dr. Chiu is a board-certified plastic surgeon and is known as the “Curve Creator” with extensive skill and experience in performing breast reductions. With an artful eye for aesthetics and medical knowledge to help patients achieve their desired results, he is a qualified surgeon and offers many procedure options to all of his patients. Patient safety, satisfaction, and comfort are the top priority of Dr. Chiu and his professional staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is usually performed for physical relief rather than simply cosmetic improvement. Most women who have the surgery are troubled by very large, sagging breasts that restrict their activities and cause them physical discomfort. In most cases, breast reduction isn’t performed until a woman’s breasts are fully developed; however, it can be done earlier if large breasts are causing serious physical discomfort. The best candidates are those who are mature enough to fully understand the procedure and have realistic expectations about the results. Traditionally, breast reduction is not recommended for women who intend to breast-feed. To learn more about breast reductions and whether you are a candidate for this procedure, please get in touch with us online by filling out our contact form.

What risks are involved with breast reduction? Is there pain involved?

Breast reduction is not a simple operation, but it’s statistically safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Chiu. Nevertheless, as with any surgery, there is always a possibility of complications, including bleeding, infection, or reaction to the anesthesia. Some patients develop small sores around their nipples after surgery; these can be treated with antibiotic creams. Some patients may experience a permanent loss of sensation in their nipples or breasts. On a rare occasion, the nipple and areola may lose their blood supply, and the tissue will die. (The nipple and areola can usually be rebuilt, however, using skin grafts from elsewhere on the body.) Another side effect of breast reduction surgery is that it leaves permanent scars on the breasts. The vertical and horizontal scars are most visible, and the scars remain after the breast is completely healed. Breast surgery scars are typically larger and less smooth on smokers, since smoking blocks oxygen received by the body during the healing process. You can reduce your risks by closely following Dr. Chiu’s advice and postoperative care instructions both before and after surgery. Any pain associated with this procedure should be temporary and can be relieved with prescription pain medication.

How much does breast reduction cost?

Many factors contribute to the cost of breast reduction surgery, including anesthesia, surgeon fees, facility costs, medication pricing, where your procedure is performed, and other options for your procedure. The average cost can range around $5,700 for breast reduction.

Insurance coverage is sometimes available for breast reduction surgery. Many factors determine your eligibility, including the specific terms of your insurance policy and the amount of breast tissue to be removed. A letter of predetermination may be required by your insurance company prior to surgery. Please speak to one of our office staff members for details.

We also offer financing, so please inquire during your consultation.

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