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Deep Plane Facelift Beverly Hills

Look Fully Renewed. Look Fully Natural.

Sometimes, the basic form of a facelift is not enough to sufficiently tighten facial tissue and smooth wrinkles. A skilled plastic surgeon will then offer patients an alternative treatment plan tailored to their needs. Choosing a deep plane facelift sets you toward dramatic improvements in signs of aging while maintaining a natural look that is entirely your own.

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What Is a Deep Plane Facelift?

Dr. Chiu is proud to offer patients in Beverly Hills a deep plane facelift as an alternative to a traditional facelift. This specialized plastic surgery offers enhanced tightening with improvements in facial contours. It involves more significant technical challenges, which is why not all surgeons will offer it. However, it can prove the best path forward for patients who need a procedure that goes above and beyond traditional methods.

A deep plane facelift will tighten not only the overlying skin but also the tissues beneath it. It addresses signs of aging even deeper than a SMAS facelift would by working with multiple layers of tissue in multiple directions, optimally repositioning each layer to a more youthful position.

Benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift

  • Maintain natural-looking results

  • Longer-lasting results

  • More dramatic reduction in signs of aging

  • Effective skin tightening

  • Address aging in the midface, lower face, and upper neck

  • Reduce jowls and a double chin

  • Restored facial contours and volume

Dr. Chiu offers unique options for patients with specific concerns. During your consultation, you can explore each option and see which type best suits your facial structure, cosmetic concerns, and goals.

Is a Deep Plane Facelift Right for Me?

As the name suggests, a deep plane facelift provides deep rejuvenation. It best suits patients who want dramatic improvements without compromising on natural-looking results. Dr. Chiu consults extensively with each patient to ensure they receive the ideal procedure for their individual needs.

A deep plane facelift may be right for you if you:

  • Are ready for a slightly extended recovery period
  • Are in overall good health
  • Want to address concerns from the midface to upper neck
  • Are nonsmoking

Overview of a Typical Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

Initial Consultation

Dr. Chiu always starts by meeting each patient individually. His comprehensive consultation process ensures you are matched with your ideal procedure plan. Together, you can build a tailored procedure that addresses the precise concerns you have.

Preparing for the Procedure

The period leading up to your deep plane facelift can be both thrilling and filled with anticipation. By taking a few preparatory steps, you can set yourself up for a safe, optimal procedure.

  • Complete any required lab tests
  • Pause smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery (and during the entire recovery)
  • Stop taking certain medications (e.g., blood thinners)
  • Arrange for time off work (2–3 weeks usually)
  • Arrange your ride home from surgery or go to an aftercare facility
  • Ask any questions

Deep Plane Facelift Surgery at a Glance

On the day of your surgery, Dr. Chiu will go over your procedure plan to ensure everything meets your expectations. Once you are ready, he will start the procedure.

  • Duration: Between 3 and 6 hours
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia, administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist.
  • Incisions: Hidden in the hairline or natural creases in front of the ear
  • What Happens: Repositioning of underlying tissues, removal of excess skin, skin tightening
  • Wrapping Up: Incisions carefully closed with sutures to minimize scarring

Day of the Procedure

Dr. Chiu meets you at the surgery center and goes over all your procedure details with you. We ensure every detail perfectly aligns with your goals before moving forward.

A board-certified anesthesiologist will then administer general anesthesia. This allows you to pass through the entire procedure unconscious. We use general anesthesia for a deep plane procedure because of how long it takes, ensuring a stress-free and pain-free experience.

Dr. Chiu then methodically moves through each step of the procedure. He proceeds with precision at each stage, gradually crafting the results you want. He goes over each change, ensuring every tissue is properly in place before closing the incisions.

Recovering from Your Procedure

Most patients can return home the same day as their procedure. However, some may prefer to rest in a recovery center until they feel ready. We work out what is best for you ahead of time so you can plan accordingly.
Since a deep plane facelift involves more invasive techniques, the recovery period can be longer than with traditional methods. However, patients should still have a straightforward experience with daily improvements.

  • The First Week

    Minimize all physical activity and focus on resting at home. Expect swelling, bruising, and discomfort. However, these should gradually improve after a few days and continue resolving in the coming weeks. Cold compresses and some elevation can help with the swelling, and pain medication can alleviate any discomfort.

  • The Second Week

    Continue to keep activity to a minimum. Some patients may return to work at the end of this week.

  • Third to Fourth Weeks

    Most swelling and bruising should resolve by this time. Continue to follow your post-procedure aftercare routine per Dr. Chiu’s instructions. Most patients will be able to return to work and most routine activities. Avoid strenuous activity until Dr. Chiu gives approval after a follow-up visit.

  • Beyond

    Full recovery can take several months. While most swelling should have faded after the first month, residual swelling will take longer.

What Are Deep Plane Facelift Results Like?

Many patients report deep plane facelift results to lift 10–15 years off their appearance. At the same time, this new youthful appearance should maintain a natural look to it. Additionally, results should last for many years. You can expect long-term benefits, whereas a traditional facelift may eventually need to be redone after several years.

Can You Combine a Deep Plane Facelift Lift With Other Procedures?

You certainly can. Combining procedures provides multiple improvements, all with a single recovery period. The recovery period can be intensified with multiple procedures, but proper aftercare can make the experience tolerable. Some popular combinations include:

  • Neck Lift: Tighten loose, sagging neck skin and tissue.
  • Cheek Lift: Rejuvenate the midface area.
  • Eyelid Surgery: Address signs of aging around the eyes.

How Much Does a Deep Plane Facelift Cost?

The more complex nature of this procedure means the price will be higher than a traditional facelift. However, your results will be far more notable and will last for many years. Traditional facelift patients may eventually need repeat surgery. A deep plane procedure provides results that last for a long time, making it worth the investment. Many patients report that their results are still impressive well over 15 years after surgery.

Patient Testimonials

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc., Dr. Chiu can recommend the procedures that will help you achieve the results you want, based on your individual needs.

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Book Your Consultation

Dr. Chiu is proud to perform plastic surgery for local and traveling patients in Beverly Hills. Start your journey toward seeing a new, defined, youthful facial contour when you schedule a consultation with Dr. Chiu for a deep plane facelift at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc. Call our office or use our online form to take that first step and begin working with a leading, board-certified specialist with a honed aesthetic eye.

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