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Generation X and Plastic Surgery

July 8th, 2016 | Posted in: Plastic Surgery |

Even though Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) and Millennials (those born between the early 1980s and about 2000) are the generations most known for seeking plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures, Generation X (comprising those born between between the late 1960s and the 1980s) underwent more cosmetic procedures than any other age group in 2014.

While Baby Boomers accounted for only 28 per cent of cosmetic procedures in 2014 and millennials accounted for 25 per cent, Gen X received 43 per cent of all cosmetic procedures done that same year – more than 4.2 million procedures in total. Of these procedures, some are far more popular than others. The most popular cosmetic procedures for Generation Xers include tummy tucks, breast lifts, liposuction, breast reductions, breast augmentations, and eyelid surgery. Many people seek these procedures in tandem with each other or other plastic surgeries.

Tummy Tucks

Tummy tucks are great for helping people lose that excess skin that remains after dramatic weight loss or pregnancy. A tuck can even remove stretch marks on the abdomen and repair muscle separation. Over half of tummy tucks are performed on members of Generation X.

Breast Lift

Weight loss, pregnancy, and age can all lead to sagging breasts. While breast augmentation is more well known and more common, breast lifts are more popular than ever, and have increased by 70 per cent since 2000, three times the increase than breast augmentations. Breast lifts correct the sagging of the breast tissue, restoring a firmer, more youthful appearance without the added volume of a breast augmentation.


More than 46 per cent of the procedures performed on members of Generation X are liposuctions. Liposuction is the number one most requested procedure because of its ability to sculpt the body into a sleek, beautiful, and ideal shape. While tummy tucks are used to remove excess skin and repair muscle, liposuction removes the fat itself, making it a great option for removing the few extra pound on your tummy, thighs, and anywhere else that keep you from your target weight. Many people choose to have both liposuction and a tummy tuck performed at the same time for more comprehensive results.

Breast Reduction

More than 43 per cent of those seeking breast reduction are members of Gen X. Breasts that are too large can create a disproportionate appearance, but their weight can also lead to health problems including back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as rashes. A breast reduction can resolve these health issues and improve the patient’s self-esteem.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentations are the second most common plastic surgery procedure after liposuction, and 37 per cent of breast augmentations are performed on members of Generation X. While this is a relatively low number compared to other popular procedures, Millennials are the age group that undergoes the most breast augmentations. A large number of Gen Xers who would be interested in breast augmentation have already had the procedure done.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery is generally thought of as an older person’s plastic surgery, and the procedure is most common among Baby Boomers. However, many members of Generation X also like the procedure because of its ability to delay the appearance of aging altogether, rather than reversing it, especially around the eyes, which tend to show visual signs of aging before any other facial feature. 30 per cent of Gen X plastic surgery procedure patients undergo eyelid surgery.

Scheduling Your Cosmetic Procedure

If you’re considering plastic surgery, no matter what your age, don’t wait to act. Contact Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc. today to schedule your consultation with our surgeon, Dr. Gabriel Chiu. Dr. Chiu is an experienced, American Association of Physician Specialists board-certified plastic surgeon who has been serving the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills area for years. Act now so that Dr. Chiu can help you start your journey to the look you’ve always wanted.

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