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Is a Mini Facelift Worth It? Comparing the Mini Facelift, Facelift, and Non-Surgical Options

April 27th, 2020 | Posted in: Mini Facelift | Tags: , ,

3 Min Read:

The facelift is one of the most popular surgical procedures for a good reason as facelift surgery can provide some of the most stunning anti-aging transformations. Facelift surgery is especially beneficial for those with moderate to severe sagging in the lower two-thirds of the face and neck.

Portrait of mature woman massaging her face while checking wrinkled eyes in the mirror thinking about getting a mini facelift-img-blog

However, not every man or woman who seeks facial rejuvenation needs a full facelift. A mini facelift or non-surgical facelift may be a good alternative for patients with minimal laxity and lines.

So, if you are starting to experience the signs of aging, a traditional facelift may not be your only option.

How Is a Mini Facelift Different From the Traditional Facelift?

Even though both procedures are designed to tighten skin and get rid of sagginess, they are not the same. The mini facelift targets sagging around the lower part of the face (such as nasolabial folds or marionette lines); it’s not appropriate for patients with significant laxity on the cheeks or chin.

A mini facelift may be appropriate for you if:

  • You need a preventive measure before signs of aging get out of hand
  • You have early signs of aging
  • You want subtle results
  • You require lesser downtime

The mini facelift can provide significant results when it is chosen for the right patient. Since this version of the facelift cannot tighten tissues to the same extent as the full facelift, it can be followed by Renuvion® (formerly J-Plasma). This non-surgical skin tightening treatment releases a combination of helium plasma and radiofrequency energy just beneath the skin’s surface to promote tissue tightening.

Renuvion® can also be performed as a standalone skin tightening treatment on the face or other parts of the body.

How Is a Mini Facelift Different From Non-Invasive Procedures?

While no non-invasive treatment can rival the results of surgery (either the full facelift or mini facelift), they are not without benefit. Non-invasive options are great for patients who wish to stay away from surgery or are not candidates for surgery due to underlying health conditions.

Non-invasive facial procedures address a multitude of concerns; however, they all address something different, such as skin tightening, volume enhancement, or wrinkle reduction. Facelift surgery, and even the mini facelift, is a much more comprehensive treatment that addresses all of these concerns in a single procedure. That is one of the significant differences between facial surgery and non-invasive treatment.

Many patients want the complete facial rejuvenation package (available through surgery); however, not everyone needs it. Patients with a lesser degree of concern may benefit from non-surgical treatment.

For Skin Tightening:

For Volume Enhancement:

For Wrinkle Reduction:

Is a Mini Facelift Right for Me?

Even though a mini facelift is less invasive than a surgical facelift, it is still a surgical procedure that requires incisions (although smaller). While this may be a turn-off for those individuals who desire something entirely non-surgical, the process is well worth it for the results that you get.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Chiu today to see if you may be a candidate for a mini facelift.

Interested in Learning More About Facial Rejuvenation?

If you want to learn more surgical or non-surgical facial rejuvenation or see if you may be a candidate, contact Dr. Chiu at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery by calling our office at (310) 888-8087 or by filling out our online contact form.

We are a professional, full-service plastic surgery center that prioritizes customer experiences. We can help you enhance your beauty with both invasive and non-invasive procedures.

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