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Life After Implants

December 18th, 2015 | Posted in: Breast Augmentation |

Life After Implants

Breast implant questions during the pre and post-surgery process are normal and to be expected. An informed patient will have a successful surgical experience because he or she will know what to expect through the entire breast augmentation procedure.

The excitement and nervousness that may be felt before a breast implant surgery is quite normal and to be expected. As the day approaches for your surgery it is natural to experience a range of thoughts and emotions. Once surgery is complete and you have had time to reflect, you may have questions regarding your procedure. . We want you to know that Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc. is your partner in your breast implant procedure. Any and all questions about the procedure will be answered in a thorough and considerate manner so that you feel fully prepared and knowledgeable about your surgery.

Dr. Gabriel Chiu will be with you every step of the way, answering your questions and even giving answers to questions you didn’t know you had, as of yet. His expertise and gift of listening to your input to determine the most appropriate course of action will be invaluable to you.

As you prepare yourself for your upcoming surgery, here are a few answers to questions you may already have.

When Is It Okay To Resume Exercise?

It is best not to rush the exercise regimen … the body needs time to heal. Discussing an exercise plan with your doctor is strongly encouraged. Individuals who have had recent breast implant surgery should not attempt any exercise without their doctor’s consent in regards to the intensity and length of physical activity. Of course, healing will vary from person to person. As you have your initial post-op check up, take the time to discuss how your own progress is going and when you might be able to hit the gym again.

What Type Of Bra Is Best?

This is a personal preference and the best type of breast support needs to be discussed with your doctor. Dr. Gabriel Chiu would be happy to discuss the best breast support options available for your specific wants and needs.

How Many Follow-Up Doctor Visits Do I Need?

The follow-up visits are critical to the success of your surgery. Dr. Chiu will examine you to ensure that your breasts are healing correctly and that the implants are settling as expected. The number of follow-up visits can be discussed as Dr. Chiu examines the speed of your healing process.

Breast augmentation can have very different psychological results for different women. For most, the surgery will lead to more confidence and potentially a healthier lifestyle. Life after implants means looking at your body in a different way and appreciating the new look you now have.

One of the key things women need to know is that their breast implants may not last a lifetime, and a second surgery to replace the original breast implants may be necessary at some point. It is important to note that Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc. will make your breast augmentation experience the most positive and tranquil experience possible, whether it is your first or second breast implant procedure.

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