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Former Beauty Queen Dies After Plastic Surgery: What Went Wrong?

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Former Beauty Queen Dies After Plastic Surgery: What Went Wrong?
Everyone’s talking about the tragic death of Solange Magnano, the 37-year old model and former Miss Argentina, following a plastic surgery procedure.

Magnano, the mother of 7-year-old twins, passed away in a hospital after being transferred from a clinic where she underwent an elective surgery on her buttocks. Though deaths after such procedures are rare, high profile cases such as Magnano’s and Kanye West’s mother, create a media frenzy over the safety of plastic surgery.

“There is increased risk of a complication in an office operating room than there are in a free-standing surgery center or hospital,” said Dr. Gabriel Chiu, of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc. “Unfortunately, adverse events do occur, and smaller facilities are not as well equipped to handle these problems.”

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