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Procedures to Consider for a Beverly Hills Mommy Makeover

September 21st, 2010 | Posted in: Mommy Makeover |

Beverly Hills mommy makeover procedures are very popular and when it comes to the mommy makeover, Beverly Hills clinics and surgeons sometimes offer a few different surgeries to make mothers feel and look their best. When it comes to the mommy makeover, Beverly Hills women often choose these cosmetic procedures:

1) Beverly Hills liposuction. The hormonal changes of pregnancy as well as carrying a child can alter the shape of a woman’s body, leaving pockets of stubborn fat in some areas. Some women find that after childbirth they are able to lose much of the pregnancy weight, but a few stubborn spots remain, even with diet and exercise. Beverly Hills liposuction procedures can take care of these problem spots.

2) Beverly Hills breast lift. Women who breast feed find that their breasts may sag more, and a Beverly Hills breast lift allows women to have a firmer, more youthful bust.

3) Beverly Hills tummy tuck. The stomach area is often most affected by pregnancy, developing stretch marks as well as stretched skin that droops and sags. A Beverly Hills tummy tuck can smooth the stomach area, leaving a firmer and smoother stomach.

4) Beverly Hills genital rejuvenation. The vaginal canal and labia often gets stretched during childbirth. Although it is a very sensitive subject, many women are uncomfortable with the changed appearance. Beverly Hills genital rejuvenation procedures can enhance the appearance of this intimate area.

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