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Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery

December 19th, 2017 | Posted in: Breast Revision Surgery |

Woman with chest painBreast revision surgery can correct many different issues following breast augmentation surgery. Whether you are unhappy with your overall result and want to undergo implant replacement surgery or you are experiencing complications such as implant rupture, capsular contracture, or implant movement, breast revision surgery is the ideal solution to achieve the breast look you desire to help you feel confident in your appearance.

Reasons for Revision and the Resolutions

Implant Replacement

The shape and size of the breasts can change due to weight fluctuations and aging. A patient who wants to alter the size of her breast implants can exchange them for smaller or larger ones. If you desire a change from larger to smaller implants, Dr. Chiu may recommend that you also undergo breast lift surgery to eliminate stretched skin. Implants can also be replaced to help a patient achieve a more desirable breast shape. A consultation with Dr. Chiu will be beneficial to guarantee that you and he are both understanding your desires before undergoing replacement surgery.

Implant Rupture

Patients may need a revision to correct implant rupture, which typically happens when the implant shell has been torn and the silicone or saline substance starts to leak. While implant rupture is immediately noticeable with saline implants, it is important for patients with silicone implants to get regular X-rays or MRIs performed to detect any potential complications. Dr. Chiu uses the original incision to remove the old implant, clean the breast pocket, and insert a new implant.

Capsular Contracture

If your breast implants feel hard and are painful, you are most likely experiencing capsular contracture. This is the result of the scar tissue that naturally forms around the implant after breast augmentation tightening and constricting the implant. A capsulectomy or capsulotomy is required to fix this complication. A capsulectomy is when the implant is taken out and the scar tissue is removed. A capsulotomy is a less invasive fix in which pressure is released through an incision created in the scar tissue.

Implant Movement

Breast implants that are not stabilized in the breast pocket may move laterally or medially, which is typically due to weak breast pockets. This complication can cause bottoming out, symmastia, or superior displacement, resulting in a misshapen and unattractive breast appearance. Capsulorrhaphy is performed to tighten the breast pocket in order to prevent the implants from unwanted movement.

The Benefits of Breast Revision

There are many benefits to breast revision. It can improve your self-esteem and confidence, relieve discomfort that was caused by adverse breast augmentation results, and as an added bonus, the revision can often be performed using the same incision site, which prevents further scarring. After breast revision, you can walk around with your head held high and be confident knowing that you’ve attained the beautiful breasts you desire.

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