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The Back Story

August 4th, 2011 | Posted in: Buttock Augmentation |

Are butts the new boobs? I have been pondering this point since the amount of inquiries that have been pouring into Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery for a Brazillian butt lift. Dr. Chiu has said that the demand has always been there, which I see to be true.

Recalling the movie ‘Some Like it Hot’ with Marilyn Monroe, while walking away from a train in a tight dress, a little steam comes out of the train which makes her jump. The men watching her have the happiest looks on their faces…

I was blessed to have been born with an ample derriere. Never before have I appreciated my natural ‘assets’, but with the popularity of ‘J-LO’ and Kim Khardasian, I’m re-evaluating…

What happens if you were born with a lack of backside contour? Dr. Chiu to the rescue! How is this accomplished? First, your own fat is ‘liposucted’ out of undesirable areas (who doesn’t have spare fat to lose?!) Thinner thighs with a more ample backside? A flatter stomach with a bigger booty? Wow, someone was thinking! The fat is then refined (harvested), and re-injected back into your own rear area. Viola! Happy cheeks!

Recovery afterward will keep you from sitting down on the job, but eventually it’s time for skinny jeans! Dresses with an hourglass design? Tight pencil skirts! Work it Girl!!!

The men in your life will thank Dr. Chiu! You will be thinking about backing into rooms from here on out!

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