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Thigh Lift in Beverly Hills, CA

A thigh lift, or thighplasty, is designed to improve the appearance of the thighs by reducing excess skin and, in some cases, excess fat.

This surgical procedure offers smoother, better-toned thighs with more proportionate contours in relation to the lower body.


What Are the Benefits of a Thigh Lift?

  • Tighter Skin on the Thighs

    Laxity on the thighs can create folds of skin that look unattractive. Most people turn to thigh lift surgery to improve the sagging skin on their inner or outer thighs. A thigh lift removes excess skin and fat to reveal tighter, smoother contours.

  • Enhanced Thigh Contours

    After massive weight loss, stubborn fat is likely to remain. The appearance of cellulite will likely become more prominent, and skin dimpling will worsen. Thigh lift surgery removes excess folds of skin and fat to reveal more slender and toned thighs.

  • Improved Physical Comfort

    When there is loose, flabby skin on the thighs, it can make it uncomfortable to wear jeans or partake in daily activities. After thigh lift surgery, you will likely feel comfortable enough to wear different styles of clothing that fit your new thigh contours.

What Are the Thigh Lift Techniques?

Dr. Chiu is among the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills. He will evaluate your concerns and body type to determine the best options to achieve your body goals.

General Procedure

After intravenous sedation or general anesthesia has been administered, incisions will be made in strategic locations so that they can be hidden inconspicuously.

You and your surgeon will decide which method (medial thigh lift, thigh reduction, or outer thigh lift) is right for you based on the area(s) needing treatment.

With all of these techniques, excess skin is removed and redraped following the tightening and reshaping of underlying tissues.

Deep support sutures are used to form a new contour in the underlying tissues, and the incisions are closed with sutures.

Medial Thigh Lift

The medial thigh lift uses an incision in the groin area that extends downward and around the back of the thigh. This method is best for correcting excess skin and fat on the front, back, and inner parts of the leg.

A minimal-incision medial thigh lift uses an incision in the groin area only and is designed for patients who desire only a small amount of correction.

Thigh Reduction

A thigh reduction addresses the whole thigh by contouring the groin incision down the inside of the thigh in a discreet location to not only lift the tissues, but also to remove the circumferential excess to make the thigh thinner. Redraping of the tissues also smoothes out irregularities such as cellulite and reshapes the thighs for a smoother contour.

Outer Thigh Lift

If the outer thigh needs more focus, the incision for this lift will be made from the groin out and around the hip so that tissues in that area can be tightened for a smoother, more toned thigh contour.

What Can I Expect During My Thigh Lift Recovery in Beverly Hills?

  • Immediately After

    It is usual for patients to experience swelling and bruising immediately following the surgery. A compression garment or elastic bandage may be worn for several weeks following surgery to reduce swelling and support newly formed tissues. Small, thin tubes will be placed underneath the skin to drain any excess fluid and blood that accumulates.

  • 1 Week

    Patients should engage in light walking and stretching to improve blood circulation. It is common to have minor swelling and soreness near the incision sites. Only light activities are recommended for the first week to ensure the recovery process is not disrupted. The drains are usually removed after one week.

  • 2 to 3 Weeks

    Dr. Chiu will provide specific instructions regarding how to care for your incisions and help reduce the risk of infection, as well as when you can return to work and your normal activity level. Non-impact activities are typically started at two weeks.

  • 4 to 6 Weeks

    Most patients feel ready to return to their normal activities. The general swelling should be gone with small pockets of edema remaining. These will improve faster with massages. Discomfort should subside, and your new thigh contours will start to finalize.

Why Choose Dr. Chiu?

Dr. Chiu is an exceptional surgeon with an exhaustive amount of experience in a range of body contouring procedures. With his thorough understanding of plastic surgery aesthetics, he makes sure to take a unique approach to each surgery depending on the needs of the patient. Regarded in the industry among colleagues, patients, peers, and international media as one of the best plastic surgeons in the world, Dr. Chiu can provide you with the results you are looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I the right candidate for thigh lift surgery?

You may be the ideal candidate for thigh lift surgery if you:

  • Are physically and mentally healthy
  • Have realistic expectations and goals
  • Are bothered by loose skin on our hips and thighs
  • Are at a stable weight

Can I combine my thigh lift with other procedures?

It is common for patients to combine their thigh lift with additional body contouring procedures like tummy tuck surgery (to tone and sculpt the midsection) or the Brazilian Butt Lift (to improve the size and shape of the buttocks).

In cases where there is reduced skin elasticity and a substantial amount of excess fatty deposits, Dr. Chiu may recommend a combination of liposuction, which eliminates stubborn fat from areas that are difficult to target with diet and exercise.

Will I scar after thigh lift surgery?

Your scars after thigh lift surgery will depend on the technique used and your physical anatomy. Some patients are more prone to scarring than others. All scarring will fade with time.

Where will my thigh lift scars be located?

Scarring will develop along the incision lines after thigh lift surgery. The scars for a medial thigh lift often run along the groin area and inner thigh while scars for an outer thigh lift run around the hips.

When will I see my thigh lift results?

Results will be apparent almost immediately following your surgery and will continue to improve as bruising and swelling resolve. Full results can take several months to develop.

Are the results from thigh lift surgery permanent?

As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain at a stable weight, the results of your thigh lift will be long lasting. Significant weight fluctuations will affect the quality of your results.

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