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Top 3 Ways to Maintain Your Tummy Tuck Results

November 4th, 2021 | Posted in: Tummy Tuck |

2 Minute Read: 

Many people who undergo abdominoplasty do so after significant weight loss. After spending so much time and energy losing weight, you want your tummy tuck results to be long lasting.

While tummy tuck results are intended to be permanent, weight fluctuation can cause some damage. Significant weight gain or loss will compromise your results as it causes the remaining abdominal skin to lose elasticity and start sagging. That is why it is imperative to take the proper steps after surgery to maintain lasting results.

Close-up of a woman's abdomen, showing under a rolled-up shirt.

Here are some tips to help ensure your aesthetic results from a tummy tuck are long-lasting.

1. Exercise Regularly

The best way to maintain your tummy tuck results is to stay active. So, start a regular workout routine or look for new ways of activity such as running, jogging, walking, weight training, yoga, etc. 

By leading an active life, you will be able to maintain a stable weight, which is crucial for your tummy tuck results.

2. Commit to a Well-Balanced and Healthy Diet

More importantly, you will need to consistently make smarter nutritional choices. Remember, even the best workout routines will not undo the effects of a poor diet. You want to make sure you incorporate vegetables, fruits, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats in your diet to give your body the fuel it needs.

Besides having a healthy, balanced diet, it helps to consider how you eat by watching your portion sizes. Additionally, avoid processed foods along with treats and beverages that have a lot of sugar and sodium. Also, be sure to hydrate adequately. Doing all this will help keep your tummy tuck results looking great and optimize your overall health.

3. Wait Until You Are Done Having Children

Pregnancy after your tummy tuck procedure can have adverse effects on the treated area. For most women, pregnancy causes weakening/separation of the abdominal muscles, leaving them with a bulging stomach pooch, requiring revision surgery to correct. 

It is also common for pregnancy to leave behind loose, sagging skin throughout the midsection.

For these reasons, it is recommended that women wait until they are no longer planning for future pregnancies. If you are unsure about this, it helps to talk to your surgeon to help make an informed choice and see if the cosmetic procedure is right for you.

Visit Our Photo Gallery

Are you curious about the results possible with a tummy tuck? View our tummy tuck before and after gallery to see how the surgery has helped Dr. Chiu’s previous patients.

Before and after image showing the results of a tummy tuck and liposuction performed in Beverly Hills, CA.

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck Consultation Today

Are you feeling self-conscious about loose skin or stubborn fat around your midsection due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging and would like to achieve a slimmer and more contoured look? 

Contact us today at 310-888-8087 or fill out our online form to schedule our consultation and learn more about the tummy tuck procedure and how best to maintain your results.

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