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The Top Reasons for Having Rhinoplasty

November 4th, 2016 | Posted in: Rhinoplasty |

For many people, the nose can be a source of embarrassment or discomfort for various reasons. Fortunately, cosmetic nasal surgery is an ancient art that has been performed for centuries, and is now a safe and modern procedure known as rhinoplasty (what is commonly called a “nose job”). There are many reasons to consider rhinoplasty, but not all of these are good reasons to consider major surgery.

Before you begin to consider if you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty, here’s a brief overview of the procedure and the most common reasons people consider undergoing a nose job.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is surgery to reshape the nose. It can make the nose larger or smaller; change the angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip; alter the tip of the nose; or correct bumps, indentations, or other defects in the nose.

Rhinoplasty may be done using general or local anesthesia. There is also a non-surgical option which utilizes dermal fillers and Botox, and may be a good option if you’re only looking to address minor aesthetic issues. This option would require repeat treatments, however.

Common Reasons for Getting a Nose Job


Some people are just born with prominent noses, bumpy noses, or crooked noses. This makes them feel self-conscious, but they don’t have to feel that way anymore. Getting rhinoplasty surgery can help give them the boost of confidence they need. The procedure can reduce, smooth, and straighten noses to complement any person’s face. The way a person feels about himself or herself can really have an impact on his or her life. Since getting such a procedure can boost a person’s self-esteem, it can definitely improve their life as well.


No matter how hard people try, accidents are bound to happen. Someone could simply trip and land face first on the ground, breaking their nose, or a person could be in a car accident where the impact of the airbag breaks their nose. If you’ve experienced a nasal injury such as a broken nose that did not heal properly, rhinoplasty could be a great option for restoring the aesthetics and functionality of your nose. Reconstructive rhinoplasty can boost confidence and help you breathe better. Results depend on how severe and complicated the damage to your nose was, but a skilled rhinoplasty surgeon can produce great results.

Breathing Issues

Breathings issues continue to be a big reason why some people seek rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can help alleviate breathing problems caused by deformities such as a deviated septum (a very common issue), enlarged turbinates, nasal polyps, nasal collapse, sleep apnea, and more. Often, functional rhinoplasty is combined with cosmetic rhinoplasty, as it is convenient to fix all problems at once.

Improving Facial Balance

As a major facial feature, the nose can influence the overall look of the face. If you are interested in making your nose bigger, smaller, straighter, etc. for the purposes of facial balance, then you are on the right track of realizing how a nose job can affect the way you look.

While some people want to get a nose that looks like a particular celebrity, it is best to go for a custom look the fits your face and complements your features. If you are seeking rhinoplasty in order to attain the “perfect” nose, then you are probably going to be disappointment after surgery. Rhinoplasty can produce truly amazing results, but it can’t satisfy unrealistic expectations. If you are looking for significant improvement, however, you’re probably a great candidate and will likely be pleased with your results.

Find the Right Surgeon for You

For whatever reason you might be looking to get a nose job in the Beverly Hills area, you should book a consultation with Dr. Chiu to discuss if rhinoplasty is the right plastic surgery solution for you.

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