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With surgical precision…

August 4th, 2011 | Posted in: Breast Augmentation |

With surgical precision…

Recently, I was privileged enough to observe a breast augmentation surgery performed by Dr. Chiu. What an amazing and educational experience! I always knew by working at the front desk that our patients were thrilled with their new look, but I don’t have the opportunity to see the before and after results in our lobby!

I was allowed to view surgery one afternoon and arrived at the surgery center excited and a little nervous. (just like our patients feel I’m sure, but for very different reasons!). I’m a little geeky about hospitals; I have had a few surgical procedures myself and actually love getting in the gown, having my hair in that lovely green hair bonnet and being drawn on with a purple magic marker. I love all the machines and the smell of antiseptic (I know, I know). I’m always excited for our patients and a little envious of their experience. Of course it is only natural for a patient to have nerves, but since Dr. Chiu has a spotless record of NO complications during surgery, the nerves are just butterflies!

Even though I wasn’t having surgery I was required to change into scrubs. Visions of ‘Grays Anatomy’ flashed through my head. I even was required to wear a mask; they are shaped with a fold in the front that makes one resemble a duck. Who knew? Very fun!
When I arrived in the operating room, the patient was already under anesthetic. She was draped to conceal all but the surgical area. I was a little nervous to watch the incisions being made, but Dr. Chiu made it easy by talking about what he was doing as he was working. The surgical team were all very friendly and full of information and really involved in the whole procedure. I learned that surgery takes a special touch; Dr. Chiu takes extra time making a pocket for the implant with particular care. This means that the patient’s results are going to be fantastic; she will have just the right cleavage, and will be beautifully shaped on the sides of her breasts as well as in the front. Also before inserting the implant, Dr. Chiu adds extra antibiotic solution and painkiller into the pocket, so the patient will have less chance of infection and be more comfortable as well. Extra steps that are not typical, but really make a huge difference!

Nearing the end of the surgery, Dr. Chiu elevated the table so the patient was in a seated position. This allows him and the surgical team to make sure that her breasts are symmetrical and perfect. Any last minute adjustments were made and the incisions were closed. Perfect!!! A pang of envy went though me. Not only were her new breasts beautiful, her incisions sites were super small and will become almost undectatible. She is going to be a very happy girl!!! Bathing suit shopping and bra shopping will NEVER be the same! Bravo Dr. Chiu!

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